Matthew - Click here to view the outline of the book

From God in Heaven to God-Man on earth, 1:1-4-11. He is the King of the Jews Because of

His Genealogy, His birth, His worship by the gentile magi, His forerunner, baptism, and temptation.

From fishing for fish to following Christ and fishing for men, 4:12-25. He is the King because of

His gospel to repent and follow Him. The Messianic Kingdom is at hand. The King is here!

From darkness of men to light of Christ, 5:1-9:35. He is the King because of His message

and miracles. The way of righteous living is by the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

From compassion on Israel to rejection by Israel, 9:36-12:50. He and His apostles preached

to the lost sheep of Israel, but the Messianic Kingdom messengers were rejected by Israel.


From Messianic Kingdom to Mystery Kingdom, 13:1-58. Christ reveals new truth. Instead of

David's throne being transferred to the earth, the Messianic Kingdom will be delayed.

From called as His earthly people to called out as His heavenly people, 14:1-16:20. Delaying

the Kingdom to Israel, Jesus will build His Church from among all nations on the Rock of Christ.

From suffering for sin to glory of the Second Coming, 16:21-17:21. Being killed , He will rise the

third day. The Messianic Kingdom awaits His Second Coming. His glory confirms this prophecy.

From humility even unto death to exaltation in everlasting life, 17:22-20:16. Our path will be rough,

but we're to walk in humility as his servants. When Jesus returns, He will reward His own.

From ransom for many to royalty as King, 20:17-21:22. He will pay the price of blood for

the ransom for many. The Jerusalem hosannas anticipate His future proclamation as King.

From danger of Hell to safety in Christ, 21:23-23:39. They rejected thier Cornerstone and trip over Him.

Still, He has not rejected Israel forever. He will gather Israel as a hen does her chicks.

From war on earth to peace on earth, 24:1-25:46. After a time of great tribulation, the Messianic

Kingdom will be restored to the nation of Israel at the Second Coming of Christ to earth.

From cup of sorrows to crown of glory, 26:1-56. Like obedient Isaac, He obeyed His Father

and willingly went to the cross. He had to drink the cup before He could wear the crown.

From perpetual sacrifices to perfect Savior, 26:57-27:44. Jesus is God's Passover Lamb, who paid

the price for our redemption. His blood cleanses all who believe in Him from all sin.

From repeated bearing of sin by a living goat to once for all bearing of sin by our dying

Savior, 27:45-66. Christ once for all bore our sin to wipe our slate clean forever.

From death to resurrection life, 28:1-20. Jesus lay dead for three days. On Sunday He rose.

The Angel said, "He is not here but has risen as He said." Go, tell the good news!