Visual tools to communicate the truth of God's Word
Jesus Christ: Servant of Jehovah and Son of God, Mk 1:1-13. The good news that Jesus Christ is the Savior goes back to the Garden of Eden. Israel’s prophets foretold that God was preparing for His arrival. When John the Baptist baptized Jesus in water, God the Father spoke from heaven and God the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. The Holy Spirit impelled Him into the desert to be tempted by Satan.
The Gospel that Jesus Preached, Mk 1:14-20. After His temptation, Jesus went to live in Capernaum. Jesus’ gospel was a message of salvation and discipleship: the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe. He called four fishermen to follow Him and be fishers of men. Immediately they left their fishing trade. Following Jesus, His disciples would enter the promised kingdom, which was near.
His Compassion for Men, Mk 1:21-3:12. God sent forth His Christ as a select arrow out of His quiver, saying “go forth” to those who are bound, and “show yourselves” to those who sit in darkness (Isa 49:1-9). Jesus was mighty in word and in deed. He didn’t use His strength to inflict wounds but to heal and restore men to God. Men were astonished and kings shut their mouths because of Him.
Choosing His Twelve Apostles, Mk 3:13-35. Jesus chose twelve men whom He sent out to preach, giving them power to do miracles. Heaven shall rule the earth! But His hometown thought He was crazy and the Jewish leaders from Jerusalem thought Satan possessed him. His mother and brothers called him to return home, but He declared that whoever does God’s will is His brother, sister and mother.
The Parables of Jesus, Mk 4:1-34. The multitudes crowded so close to hear Him that He taught from a boat. Mark recorded the parables of a sower, a lamp, a slow growing seed and a small mustard seed. Afterwards He explained to His disciples the parables’ meaning, which meaning those outside the faith couldn’t understand. From a small beginning Christianity would spread rapidly among the Gentiles.
The Display of His Sovereignty, Mk 4:35-8:26. The time had come to go to the Gentiles. It would be a test of their faith. He gathered the twelve apostles into a boat and they set their course for the far side of the lake. A wind arose and the waves began sinking the boat. They cried out to Jesus and He calmed the wind and the waves. Jesus said, “How is it that you have no faith?”
Gadera: the Demon Possessed Man, Mk 4:35-8:26. Out of the cemetery caves burst a demon possessed man of great strength. He cut himself with rocks. Jesus cast out the legion of demons. The demons He sent to possess the bodies of a herd of pigs, and the man to testify to the Gentiles in Gadera. Jesus left Gadera and returned to Capernaum that He might raise up the tribes of Jacob.
Galilee: Jairus’ Daughter Raised, 5:21-43. Jairus was an elder in the Capernaum synagogue where Jesus attended. This Jewish leader asked Jesus to heal his twelve-year-old daughter who was close to death. On His way to the house, Jesus healed another woman, but Jarius’ daughter died. Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid, only believe.” Jesus took her by the hand and raised her from the dead.
Galilee: John the Baptist Beheaded, 6:14-28. King Herod heard of Jesus and thought that John had risen from the dead. Herod had imprisoned Israel’s greatest prophet because John had rebuked him for marrying Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife. John had come to restore the hearts of children to their fathers, but Herodias did just the opposite. She also incited Herod to behead John.
Phoenicia: Casting out a Demon, 7:24-30. Jesus traveled to Tyre and Sidon. A Gentile woman whose daughter was demon possessed heard that Jesus had entered the house of a Jew. She asked Him to cast the demon out but He said that He would not take the children’s bread and throw it to dogs. But she answered that even the dogs under the table are allowed to eat the crumbs that fall. Jesus cast out the demon.
Decapolis: Four Thousand Fed, 8:1-9. He returned to the Roman province of Decapolis and with great compassion taught the multitudes and worked miracles. For three days the people followed Jesus having nothing to eat. Jesus took seven loaves of bread and a few small fish, gave thanks and broke them into pieces. Over four thousand ate their fill. There remained seven baskets of food that no one could eat.
Caesarea and Capernaum: Predictions, 8:27-9:50. Despite His teaching and miracles, the multitudes failed to grasp who He really was. So Christ broke to His disciples the news of His death, burial and resurrection. Peter rebuked Him but Jesus rebuked Peter and Satan. Peter couldn’t see as God can see. Jesus foretold His glory, His resurrection, giving kingdom rewards, and of eternal hell fire to come.
Perea and Jericho: Final Passover Trip, 10:1-52. Passover pilgrims were headed up to Jerusalem. Jesus and His disciples ministered to these Jewish travelers and to the Gentiles beyond the Jordan River. He addressed the issues of divorce, loving children, eternal life, serving others, drinking the cup, and individual faith. Leaving Jericho, He healed blind Bartimaeus.
Sunday: Presentation of Israel’s King, 11:1-11. Arriving near Jerusalem, Jesus sent two disciples ahead to arrange for His triumphal entry. He rode a young unbroken male donkey into the temple courtyard. The Passover pilgrims spread their clothes in the streets, waved palm branches and shouted “Hosanna.” They expected the coming Davidic kingdom, but He departed from Jerusalem and returned to Bethany.
Monday: Cleansing the Temple, 11:12-19. On their way back to Jerusalem they passed a fig tree. Being hungry they searched the tree for fruit but found none. Entering into the temple courtyard they found the merchants exploiting the Passover pilgrims with inflated prices for their sacrificial birds and animals. He took a whip, overturned the moneychanger’s tables, and drove them all out of the temple.
Tuesday: The Rejected Stone, 11:20-13:37. Returning to the temple, they saw that the fig tree had withered from its roots up. It, like the people, did not know the season for producing fruit. He was confronted by the Jewish leaders who demanded to know by what authority He had cleansed the temple. He told them the parable of the rejected stone in God’s vineyard. Israel rejected her king but He will come again.
Wednesday: Anointing for His Burial, 14:1-11. Their Passover lodging was in the home of Simon the leper located in Bethany. Mary of Bethany anointed Him with an expensive perfume. At once some raised objections, including Judas Iscariot, who whined like a horse that the perfume could have been sold and the money used to help the poor. But Jesus replied that what she did was for the day of His burial.
Thursday: The First Communion, 14:12-52. He sent two of His disciples to Jerusalem to arrange a place where He could eat the Passover. While eating He announced that one of them would betray Him, who rose up and left the table. After the Passover meal, He instituted the Lord’s Supper with bread and the cup. They retired to Gethsemane where He watched and prayed, “Let this cup pass from Me.”
Friday: Trials and Crucifixion, 14:53-15:46. He was arrested and taken before the Jewish tribunal of Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin. They spit at Him. Peter denied Him but wept when the rooster crowed a second time. Pilate judged Him by Roman law, tried to release Him but gave in to the Jews’ demands to crucify Him. The Roman soldiers called upon Simon to carry His cross, then crucified Him between two thieves.
Saturday: The Sabbath Rest, 15:47. The intent of His enemies was to bury Him with the thieves. But Joseph, a member of the Sanhedrin, went before Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. He took the body down from the cross, wrapped it in a linen cloth, laid Him in a new tomb that had been hewn out in the rock, and closed the entrance with a stone. And the women saw where He was laid.
Sunday: His Resurrection & Appearances, 16:1-14. Early in the morning the women brought spices to anoint His body. They found the stone was rolled away and an angel announced His resurrection from the dead. They were sent to tell His disciples and Peter, but they fled and said nothing. He appeared to Mary Magdalene, then to two others in the country. Afterward He appeared to the eleven apostles.
His Commission and Ascension, Mk 16:16-20. Christ commissioned His disciples to go into the entire world and preach the gospel to all creation. Those who believe and are baptized will be saved, but those who don’t believe will be condemned. Signs would accompany those who believe. He returned to the heavens to sit at God’s right hand. And they went out and preached everywhere.