Visual tools to communicate the truth of God's Word
MOSES, Ex 1-11. The descendants of Jacob prospered in Egypt becoming over two million strong. A new king arose who knew not Joseph and he enslaved Israel. But God reached out to redeem Israel from slavery and made His name known in Egypt. Jesus Christ is the “I Am.”
THE PASSOVER, EX 12-19. God judged Egypt with ten plagues and condemned the firstborn to die. But He provided a way to live by the death of the Passover lamb. God killed all those not under the blood and redeemed His people from bondage. Christ is our Passover lamb.
MOSAIC COVENANT, EX 20-24. God took Israel through the Red Sea to Sinai, but the Egyptians perished in the waters. The Israelites murmured and He gave them water out of the rock. The covenant was ratified by blood and God initiated His theocratic rule over the nation.
THE TABERNACLE: THE WAY FROM GOD TO MAN, EX 25-27. On Mount Sinai God showed Moses the pattern of His heavenly tabernacle and its furniture. God would live on earth, rule His people and give them rest. When the fullness of time came, Christ was born in Bethlehem.
THE TABERNACLE: THE WAY FOR MAN TO COME TO GOD, EX 28-31. Sinners can come to God and worship Him through a priestly mediator and his repeated offerings and washings on their behalf. At Calvary, Christ our mediator fulfilled all righteousness for sinners forever.
BREAKING THE LAW, EX 32-34. While God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, Israel broke the Law by lusting after idolatry and worshipping the golden bull. The people were spared death when Moses broke the law. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law.
GOD’S WORKMEN, EX 35-39. The people willingly gave. All work is a calling and dignified. The great scenes of their history reflected the righteousness of Christ, the insufficiency of animal sacrifice, and prepared God’s people for Calvary as the true source of life.
GOD AMONG MEN, EX 40. The cloud of glory descended from heaven to visually remind Israel the God was living among them. God chose Israel because He loved them. We are to love the Lord God and our neighbor. Christ leads the way to find rest in the presence of God.
THE TABERNACLE IS GOD’S PORTRAIT OF CHRIST. The Law with the tabernacle was a shadow of good things to come. The way to God is through Christ. The nail-scarred hands invite the sinner saying, “Come unto Me,” not by keeping the Law but by believing in the Lamb of God.