Visual tools to communicate the truth of God's Word
Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son. The biblical genealogical record culminates in Jesus of Nazareth. The eternal invisible God became man in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. He is the Messiah, the King Who came to reign and the Savior Who came to redeem.
God’s Sovereign Plan. Before God created the universe He planned man’s history in time and space. His decree expresses the nature of God. Knowing God’s plan helps us to accept God as He is and gives us meaning and purpose in life. Man is on earth to glorify God.
Adam and Eve. Gen. 1-3. God created the heavens and the earth. He created man in His image, innocent and free from sin. God permitted Satan to tempt Eve. Man became a sinner in need of a Savior. Macro-evolution is a lie. God is good and His ways are perfect.
Cain and Abel, Gen 4-5. They were born sinners. God gave them a conscience that they might please Him. Abel offered his sacrifice God’s way and pleased God. But Cain offered the fruit of his hands, hated his brother and killed him. God is holy.
Noah, Gen 6-11. God flooded the entire earth to destroy wicked men, but He spared righteous Noah. Civil magistrates are to uphold the sanctity of human life. Man was to repopulate the earth, but he rebelled and built Babel. God is righteous.
Abraham, Gen 12-20. God called Abraham out of idolatry and promised him the Land of Israel, numerous descendants, and through him all nations would be blessed. He believed God Who reckoned him righteous and ratified the covenant. God is truth.
Abraham, Gen 21-25. God called Abraham to sacrifice his promised son Isaac. He obeyed, believing that God could raise him from the dead. But God spared his son by providing a substitute ram who died in his place. God is love.
Jacob, Gen 26-36. Jacob was still in the womb when God placed in him a desire for the Abrahamic covenant blessing. He wrestled with God and sought the blessing with tears. God touched him, granted his request and changed his name to Israel. God is omniscient.
Joseph, Gen 37-50. Joseph was 17 years old when his brothers sold him into slavery. God raised him to power over Egypt and gave him the strength to forgive his brothers. God moved Pharaoh to look kindly upon Israel. God is omnipotent.
The Abrahamic Covenant provided the basis for the outworking of all the covenants that follow. God’s message to man was written in the Bible as He historically unfolded it in the developing history of His people Israel.