Visual tools to communicate the truth of God's Word
God spoke many times to fathers by prophets 1:1-3. Moses at bush; Elijah on Carmel. God spoke once to us by his Son. Who is the Son? Scroll: A plan, Eternal God, Creator; Cross: Purification of sin; Resurrection, ascension, sat down: A picture of the finished character of Christ’s once-for-all sacrifice for sin, Heb 10:10, 12. Right hand: Indicates the place of honor which Jesus Christ occupies. God’s revelation in the Son has a definite quality that previous revelation lacked, final and complete
Son of God, 1:4-14/ 1:4 Angels: At birth, tempt, resur, 2nd C / Scroll: Defeated Satan by Scripture/ 1:5 1st Com: King Messiah Son, Ps 2/ 1:6, 2nd Coming: angelic worship, Ps 97:7/ 1:7-8, Throne, angelic worship, Ps 104:4; 45:6/ 1:9, Anointed, Ps 45:7/ 1:10-12, Creator, Ps 102:26-27/ 1:13-14, King, Ps 110:1. To Christ is given the final victory when all enemies are placed under his feet. Heirs of salvation, sons and daughters in the kingdom.
Faith to hear God’s salvation, Heb 2:1-4; Ps 110. Book: since Jesus’ resurrection, He is sharing the Father’s kingly authority. Crown: Begins his rule on earth at His Second Coming, Ps 110:2 Bobber: Pay attention, the anchor doesn’t drift-slip we do. Fish: Escape, when we don’t hear-obey. Bread: God bore witness to remember Christ. Take, eat: this is my body broken for you. Glory: to eat at my table in my kingdom, Luke 22:17-30.
Son of Man, 2:5-18, Angels: Will not rule in coming inhabited earth, 2:5/ 2:5-9 Creation: Restore what Adam lost,Ps 8:4-6/ 2:10-13. Door: the way, only door to bring many to glory, Ps 22:2; Isa 8:17-18/ 2:14-15. Drinking running water: Victorious, Satan disarmed and we’re freed from death. Satan fallen from heaven, Lu 10:10/ 2:16-18. High Priest: Not save fallen angels but fallen men, 2 Cor 11:14; sensitive to our needs, Lu 10:30.
Christ is better than Moses, 3:1-11. Holy brethren: An unbelieving heart was luring some to return to Moses. Lawgiver: Moses was a servant representing God to man. Cornerstone: Christ is an apostle sent from God to represent God to us, the builder. Moses holding up serpent: Moses never rested representing man to God. Headstone holding up arch: Our high priest finished the work he began and rested. He perfectly represents us to God. Thru Christ the believer enters rest, 4:9. Children: Holding fast to Christ, not to Moses.
Faith to rest despite circumstances, Heb 3:7-4:16; Ps 95. Lighthouse: On the rock of our salvation. Sea: God made the sea, the restless waves and calm tidal pools, Ps 95:5. Kneeling: O come, worship, bow down, kneel. Today, while you still have opportunity, encourage one another, Ps 95:6; Heb 3:7-13; 4:12. Standing: He is our God, we are the sheep of his hand. Today, hold steadfast until the end, Ps 95:7; Heb 3:14-19. Resting: Today, enter into inheritance rest Ps 95:11; Heb 4:1-10. Weeping: All are manifest in his sight. He is touched with our infirmities, Heb 4:11-16.
Christ better than Aaron, 5:1-10. Christ is superior in his qualifications. Red Sea/ Gethsemene: Needs to be a man 5:1, Aaron taken among masses, a sinner; Christ alone, Son. Hand dipped in blood/ His own blood: Have compassion when offering for sins 5:2-3. Animal blood veil/Own blood, cross: Chosen by God 5:4-10. Aaron high priest until death; Jesus great high priest forever order Melchizedek, Ps 2:7; 110:4
Faith to advance in Chrisiian maturity Heb 5:11-6:16. Teacher: He had a lot to say to dramatically pull them forward but it would be hard to explain because they were slow to learn. Baby bottle: Old in the faith but immature. Ram’s horn: A call to action, not a hearing aid. Dull, wavering state of mind to lure from faith. Rotten Banana: While sleeping, harvest past, lacks interest Child Learn like a child come to Him in humility Lu 18:17.
The superior priest,6:17-7:10. Cristal: Reminds us of heaven. In Christ heaven has touched earth. A King and priest superior to Aaron. Anchor: Reminds us of earth. In Christ we on earth touch heaven. Tithe: Abe and his seed reached back to Melchizedek. Hands: Christ and his seed reaches up to heaven where Christ went, the heavenly sanctuary behind the veil. Hold on and let Christ give you his grace and truth continuously.
The new priesthood supercedes the old, 7:11-24. Cristal: Change in the presthood requires a change of the legal system. Judah is pictured, not Levi. Christ: Complete communion with God. Come forth, you are not under the Law of Moses, Rom 6:14. Race: Carnal commandment, people of flesh who all died. Race: Perfect, can accomplish its objectives for those who approach God. Christ rose again and lives eternally in heaven.
The superiority of the new priest, 7:25-28. Cristal: The kinsman redeemer brought heaven to earth; music, Silent Night. Christ: Brings sinners to heaven. Aaronic sacrifices: Repeated sacrifices produced unreasonable worship and repeated sins. Christ’s sacrifice: One sacrifice forever perfected those who are sanctified. By Jesus’ death and ressurection his sons are seated in the heavenlies; music, Up From the Grave He Arose.
A superior priestly service, 8:1-3. Earthly curtain: Let’s summarize. You who are clutching after Aaron and want to abandon Christ are just grasping after repeated ritual. Heavenly train: Make progress towards Christ Heb 6. His ministry is based on a better priesthood Heb 7; by a better covenant Heb 8; and in a better sanctuary Heb 9. Shadow: Aaron always stood, his ministry never finished. Light: Christ is seated with gifts to offer.
A superior place to serve, 8:3-5. Hand: Aaron’s sacrifices were repeated and visible. Hands: Christ had something to offer once for all. Genealogy: The Law said only Levites on earth. Judah to Jesus:But Christ ministers in heaven. Moses eyeing the blueprint: The sanctuary which we see was a copy. Jerusalem to heaven: Christ serves in the original sanctuary. Sure, no one has gone to heaven to see the sanctuary but it is still real.
Better covenant based on better promises 8:6-7. Hand down: Moses ratified old covt with animal blood, Jews that preferred Moses speak to them instead of God Ex 20:19. Hands up: Only a few believed on Jesus the mediator by his own blood of the new covt. Heart: Old covt failed because of the sinfulness of the nation Col 2:13. Two sticks: Rod, the sinful nation separated from each other and from God are made one by the new covt.
Better covt with better blessings, 8:8-13. Two stones: The Jews promised Moses they would keep the Law but disobeyed; Stephen’s indictment Acts 7. Scroll: Christ will fulfill the Abrahamic Covt with eternal blessings of redemption and salvation. Two captives The law is obsolete, growing old; it failed because Israel sinned; sin always beset their good intentions Ex 24:7. Six rings: Six times God said “I will” and being sinless, he is able.
Sanctuary, better care, earthly needs vs heavenly 9:1, 11. Aaron: Met earthly needs for the moment. Christ: Sufficient to heal. Heifer: A stop-gap solution. Jacob: The writer also looked beyond earthly to see heavenly sufficiencies Gen 28:12. Pouring water. Dt 21:1 Cleanse every unresolved murder. Writing: All enemies mustered out. Priest’s son: Ate presence bread but got hungry again. Lame man: Made whole until death. Goats, calves, ashes: Earth’s needs. Thorns: Heaven’s needs. Tabernacle: Earth bound. Ladder: Heaven bound Jn 1:51.
Sanctuary: Type of something better, animal blood vs Christ’s blood, 9:2-5, 12-15. Animal blood: Sprinkled on mercy seat the high priest could enter God’s presence. Christ’s blood: By his own blood entered once into heavenly tabernacle. Incense: Smoke dimmed Aaron’s view and the mercy seat hid the broken law from God’s sight. Dove: HS reveals the Son who reveals the Father to us, the promised eternal inheritance.
Sanctuary, a better finished work; continual sacrifices for sin vs once for all sacrifice for sin 9:6-7, 12. Moses: Inaugurated the old covt with animal blood. Christ on cross: At his death inaugurated the new covt, just like a will is not in force until the testator dies. Priests Repeatedly entered for over 1400 years. Christ in heaven: By his own blood he entered in once into the heavenly sanctuary, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
Sanctuary, better heart devotion: depending on faithfulness of man vs depending on the faiithfulness of God. 9:8, 23-24. Aaron: Restricted access, can only keep you out. Christ: Unlimited access, willing to bring everyone in. Sinner/Priest: First offer for own sins, then for others. Savior/Priest: No sacrifice needed for sin. Nadab & Abihu: Strange fire led to their death. Jacob: Blind but saw God’s faithfulness. Miriam: Doubted God’s faithfulness. Stephen: I see heaven open, Son standing.
Sanctuary, a better connection to God, earthly priesthood is fading vs the heavenly is here to stay 9:9-10, 25-28. Moses Woe is me, gifts and sacrifices that can’t purify the guilty conscience are growing old. Rahab: Like Abraham, she patiently waited with the red rope hanging down Jericho’s walls, she being dead yet speaketh. Sinkhole: No firm standing for the cerimonial washings, fire, blood and food laws that have disappeared. No no, don’t fall into this mire. Rock: The Holy Spirit enlightens the heart that the true way to God is by Christ’s sacrifice.
A superior sacrifice 10:1-18. system of laws, sacrifices, eating foods with no end in sight vs a Savior whose sacrifice is final. The author reaches back to 9:26 making this a summary of what came before. Men reaching up: They are all reaching up but they are still on earth. God reaching down: Reaching down to earth to bring sinners higher than the heavens. Curtains: Both entered by blood, an earthly shadow vs a heavenly glory.
Judgment hour 6:6; 10:19-25. The weight of dead works placed on me vs the weight of dead works placed on my substitute. Threshing floor of firey judgment Lu 22:31. Wrath results when grace is rejected Rom 2:5. Firey judgment on cross: If you reject my sacrifice, there remains no other sacrifice for sins. You’ve trampled underfoot the Son of God. Cast not away your confidence; draw near to Me. Heaven: You have a great reward.
Faith to remember our Lord in his suffering 10:26-39. Wild beasts/Man-lion Ps 22. Pictures sin’s weight placed upon Christ. Fig leaves Adam and Eve’s sin was placed on Jesus. Sins washed white as snow Isa 1:18. The sin of the world was placed on Christ. All men benefit by his death but only those who believe have the benefits applied to them Is 53. Cain: drew back, no faith. Faith binds the two narratives of Hebrews together, 10:38
Faith evidenced 11:1-16 All who lived by faith looked forward to a certain future Abel Dead, by faith he still speaks Enoch By faith he didn’t die. Noah By faith entered the ark. Dove. By faith opened the window and worshipped. Abraham: Became a wanderer, didn’t put down roots in this old world. Sarah: No child, getting old, the best medicine is laughter and that’s what she named her son. Died in faith because object of faith was God.
Faith tested and rewarded 11:17-31. All who live by faith look forward to a certain reward within the reach of faith, not some dream unable to be grasped. The best way to grow in faith is to walk with the faithful so we return to Abraham, then Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Amram & Jochebed. Moses turned his back on Egypt and kept looking away from worldly pleasures. Rahab She waited 40 years and was rewarded, the last ones standing on the walls of Jericho.
Faith victorious, 11:32-40. Because the object of our faith is victorious. We are winners because the One in who we place our faith is a winner. Hammering: The tempo has quickened, the intensity felt, 11:32-34. Beating drum: Death took it’s toll but faith triumphed as some were resurrected. Whipping: But others were tortured; it took more faith to endure than to escape. Abel: reaching out, perfecting, their hope awaits for us.
Faith to look unto Jesus for power to live the Christian life, Heb 12:1-3. Jesus pioneered the path of faith, we as companions should follow. Men of faith have gone before us, God having planned something better for them and for us. Partakers: 1:9; 3:1, 14; 6:4; 12:8. We share with that cloud of witnesses the life of faith. Hence we ought to run with patience the race that is set before us lest sin entangle us and deprive us of our joy.
Chastening strengthens faith, 12:4-11. All go thru trials, so did Jesus; he tests his disciples. Peter: Took his eyes off Jesus and went down Mt 14:22. Faith is not a one time look but a life long looking. Hearts Divine chastening is evidence of divine love. Scripture: His chastening hand is controlled by his loving heart. I’ve got your back. Only sons are corrected. Race: Discipline conditions us to fix our eyes on the goal; pursue righteousness.
Discipline gives direction in the life of faith, 12:12-17. I’m in control vs God’s in control. Runners: Cast off the weights, sin, strengthen your hands and knees, seek level paths for your feet as you pursue peace and holiness Esau Example of an undisciplined man worldly and materialistic. An insatiable appetite, shaky arms and swollen knees were just the outward manifestation of the lack of inward godliness. Cat & rat: Esau didn’t repent; his bellyaching was all show.
Faith to keep going when its tough, Heb 12:18-29. Leave the old covt and Mt Sinai behind. Look up to Mt Zion and the new covt. Mt Sinai: Earthquakes, lightning, fire, wind, a blasting ram’s horn terrified the people. They only wanted to hear the voice of man and not God. Mt Zion: There’s the heavenly city that can not be shaken, angels, table spread, tribes of Jacob, but most of all there’s Jesus. Abel’s blood cries out for justice.
Faith to love as God loves, 13:1-8. Reach out to others just like God reaches out to us. Look around: Practice brotherly love, do good to strangers, prisoners; love at home; honor your marriage, don’t love the almighty dollar. Five Hands: God will never, no never, no never forsake us, 5 negatives. Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever. Don’t be anxious; we have the Lord and his unchanging help. Fear God and fear no man.
Faith to live, 13:9-25. Leave Jerusalem behind and follow the great Shepherd of the sheep,. Altars: Let go of dead religion. We have an altar eternal in the heavens. Staff: Abandon the camp of Judaism bearing his reproach. Three sacrifices: Praise, sharing and prayer. Church leaders: Obey and submit. Binding: May Jesus our Lord equip you in every good work. Take care of the spiritual side of life and the physical will find its place.